For a while, I've known about ssh. I've logged into my toy-around servers and my school server a couple of times, never doing too much in the way of being productive. I've only recently learned about sftp as well as scp. How awesome are these utilities? I ask this rhetorically. Through the use of one program, sshd, one can copy files remotely to and from a server, access it with an ftp server, and execute commands. All of this through
one port. I just think that that is amazing. What I would really like to do, though, is read up on how to restrict access to folders on the server (create a jail, basically). There's no need for this in my life, though, so I probably won't bother to even look it up. Yet.
Anywho, just thought I'd express my nerdy love. No one else thought it to be quite as cool as me...